Reviving Kendra From Anaphylactic Shock
My Rating:
Category: Med Resus
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 3/28/2022


Starring Kendra Allure & Akira Shell

HD (1280 x 720) MP4

Kendra is relaxing on the couch eating a cookie when all of a sudden she starts to feel her tongue tingle, followed by her throat swelling and getting harder to breathe. She's having an allergic reaction to it and starts choking! Reaching for her EpiPen, yet not quite able to get there in time, she stumbles onto the ground as her eyes close! Akira comes into the room to find still and non breathing Kendra on the ground. Panicked, not knowing what happened, she starts to prep Kendra for CPR. Checking her airway...

Reviving Kendra From Anaphylactic Shock

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