Make Out With Me In My Snorkel Mask
My Rating:
Category: Snorkel Gear
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 1/29/2023


We've been together for a long time now and recently, you've made a request of me. Happy to oblige you, I am here to fulfil that request. I had to go to the garage and dig for quite some time, but it was worth it to find my snorkel! I slide it on over my head and I get to the second part of your request... Which is to make out while I'm wearing the snorkel! I start off with really soft peck kisses, all over your lips, and continue this for a little while. Before too long, I start to slip my pink tongue inside your mouth. I gently slide my tongue into your mouth a few times, before fully ope...
Make Out With Me In My Snorkel Mask

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