MILF907* - Taboo Stories, True Lust and Manipulation
My Rating:
Category: Taboo
Runtime: 49 minutes
Date Added: 2/27/2011


STANDARD DEFINITION VERSION. Rachel and her step-sister Stacie are sitting on the living room floor in front of a fireplace, drinking a glass of and talking about how much nicer it would be to be on a date or have something exciting to do tonight.. Stacie talks about a younger guy she had met in a bar the night before but he never approached her. Rachel talks about just a few years back, everywhere she went, younger guys would approach her for her number and it was on. Stacie asks for a story about what Rachel used to do. Flashback to Rachel in the kitchen with a hot young athletic stud. He...

MILF907* - Taboo Stories, True Lust and Manipulation

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