Paying me really makes you horny, to spend all on your hard earned cash on me gives you meaning to your somewhat dull life. To see me bathe in all your cash, holiday in the most exotic countries and become even richer whilst you go about your boring, lonely life fuels you to work harder to feed my greed further. You ache for my attention and spending on me is the only to get that. Even for a grain of my attention you would blow your whole salary that is just how much power I have over you. We both know it, all I care about if your pay packet and all you care about is my happiness. Ca...
Paying me really makes you horny, to spend all on your hard earned cash on me gives you meaning to your somewhat dull life. To see me bathe in all your cash, holiday in the most exotic countries and become even richer whilst you go about your boring, lonely life fuels you to work harder to feed my greed further. You ache for my attention and spending on me is the only to get that. Even for a grain of my attention you would blow your whole salary that is just how much power I have over you. We both know it, all I care about if your pay packet and all you care about is my happiness. Ca...