In part 3 the girls are cuffed up and also put in situation where Nyxon has to pull a clothes pin zipper off of Brenda in order for Brenda to be able to get the handcuff key that they can use to release. After the regular part of this clip I put some behind the scenes footage from when we were getting set up for the clip. While Brenda was getting her zipper put on JJ Plush called on skype from Germany (where she was at boundcon) and we were all talking to her and since we had two way video with her she asked to see the zipper pulled off of Brenda. Brenda agreed and they were pulled off, but th...
In part 3 the girls are cuffed up and also put in situation where Nyxon has to pull a clothes pin zipper off of Brenda in order for Brenda to be able to get the handcuff key that they can use to release. After the regular part of this clip I put some behind the scenes footage from when we were getting set up for the clip. While Brenda was getting her zipper put on JJ Plush called on skype from Germany (where she was at boundcon) and we were all talking to her and since we had two way video with her she asked to see the zipper pulled off of Brenda. Brenda agreed and they were pulled off, but th...