piglet had been groomed and brainwashed slowly over the last year, small amounts of cash at first, gifts, but getting larger and more frequent as his addiction gets stronger . It finally comes to a head when piglet is SO in the zone that the only way he gets hard is when he is paying Mistress and this is where the draining comes to a head, ALL the cash out of his bank account, bank details to his savings account and his credit card - all taken . Mistress is heartless, cruel and blatant with it
piglet had been groomed and brainwashed slowly over the last year, small amounts of cash at first, gifts, but getting larger and more frequent as his addiction gets stronger . It finally comes to a head when piglet is SO in the zone that the only way he gets hard is when he is paying Mistress and this is where the draining comes to a head, ALL the cash out of his bank account, bank details to his savings account and his credit card - all taken . Mistress is heartless, cruel and blatant with it