Naked Office Yoga 5: For Your Upper Torso (QuickTime Video: )
My Rating:
Category: Female Training
Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 1/15/2011


(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your upper torso works with the chest, shoulders and upper back. In addition to relieving tension and pain in the targeted areas, this practice is a great way to start opening your rib cage for a deeper, fuller, easier breath. You can't live without your breath, and your posture, particularly your seated posture, could be suffocating you, literally. Signs of inadequate breath include sleepiness, inattention, difficulty staying focused, irritability, even panic. This video will teach you gentle methods for relaxing your shoulders, energizing your chest,...
Naked Office Yoga 5: For Your Upper Torso (QuickTime Video: )

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