Jade Taking Role Play to the Next Level, CPR, Resus, MTM and Defib
My Rating:
Category: Cpr
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 8/5/2021


Nurse Jade and Nurse Dorothy have been working for a few years in the hospital; they became friends on the job and have become an inseparable duo. They also both are thrill seekers and have roll played many times, getting more and more extreme each time. Now they want to go to the next level next and require the chief doctor's guidance. Now it is Jade’s turn following Dorothy . As Dorothy dresses follwing her RP adventure The chief doctor suddenly uses the paddles on Jade. SHe immediately goes down and gasps for air. Lia instruc...

Jade Taking Role Play to the Next Level, CPR, Resus, MTM and Defib

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