Lia Medical Experiment, 7 lead ECG, BP and 02 Mask, IV, Ambu, Defib, CPR Board Pt #2
My Rating:
Category: Med Exam
Runtime: 16 minutes
Date Added: 6/4/2019


(English Subtitles) Some people will do anything for some spare cash! In this experiment, The medical team injects a nano probe and guides it through Lia's coronary artery. At different points they test the effects the probe has on her heart and if it causes any heart attacks. They specifically focus on symptoms and the effects from different coronary artery blockages (MI).

Test #3: Lia has an anterolateralis - Left Ventricular AMI. With an artificially generated 90% coronary occlusion she has strong chest pain, sweats and her breathing becomes very fast and panicy. Following a fe...

Lia Medical Experiment, 7 lead ECG, BP and 02 Mask, IV, Ambu, Defib, CPR Board Pt #2

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